HOME FARM – development report

Heritage Statement provided by Waddeton Park, the original developers – also usefully showing sites of archeological evidence from the Old Farm, Pinn Lane

Application for development of this site was allowed at appeal following a Public Inquiry, held in 2014. Despite the efforts of Exeter City Council, 120 houses with ‘associated infrastructure and open space’ were allowed, with all matters reserved for future consideration apart from access.

Here’s a really useful overview, including links to full decisions https://cllrpaul4cowick.wordpress.com/category/planning/

At a recent meeting of the Planning Committee on Monday 30th September 2019 to discuss ‘Reserved Matters’, all three of Pinhoe’s local councillors raised detailed concerns following discussions with local residents. These concerns included:

  • safety of the highway at Church Hill – for pedestrians and cars – resulting from landscaping proposals
  • remote location of the proposed playspace areas and the safety concerns of access to areas of open water, which had been relocated in the updated plans
  • imbalance in the development of the site, specifically regarding required sensitivity in handling the landscape context of the listed, historical Home Farm buildings – dating from 15th century and on a central historical route through the village – according to Heritage England recommendations, which had not been considered by the Heritage Officer
  • residents’ concerns regarding flooding measures and ground water considerations, based on current and historical evidence of substantial problems
  • adequate provision for reinstatement of the important hedgerow linescape along Church Hill in line with biodiversity requirements

Councillor David Harvey mentioned recent problems holding developers to account when they exceed permitted development, however Council officers confirmed they do not routinely enforce or regularly monitor compliance. Indeed, when Cllr Harvey described Linden Homes’ recent removal of a large hedgerow at Gypsy Hill during nesting season, which was confirmed as an illegal act, Committee Members openly laughed when he said there had been no evidence remaining for the Devon and Cornwall Police to act upon.

Burrington Estates purchased the Home Farm site from Waddeton Park and the RB Nelder Trust. However, no site modelling or detailed location images were presented for the Committee’s consideration by Burrington Estates, who were represented at the meeting by Mr Seaton. Despite considerable changes to the original proposals, Mr Seaton suggested the entire case made by local councillors and residents was simply an attempt to review the original planning consent. No further detail or response was offered to the meeting.

Throughout the Committee, Council officers restated the details for consideration within “Reserved Matters” included layout, scale, landscape and appearance. Labour Councillor Emma Morse declined to support the concerns of local residents anxious to protect both the heritage and history of the site. Describing Home Farm as “an open wound” she described losing every battle for the site and announced her ‘practical’ approach meant she could only support the development.

With fellow councillors moving to support her position, including Cllr Phil Bialyk who recently commented in the Express & Echo, Cllr Yolanda Henson said the play areas ‘were bigger than some in other developments across the city’.

Cllr Amal Ghusain asked detailed questions regarding drainage provision and liability if the development was approved. Council officers said they were unable to answer and stated that drainage would only be signed off when considered satisfactory. Chair of the Planning Committee, Cllr Lyons, suggested submitting photographic evidence and Council Officers agreed benchmarking measures would be considered.

Chair of Pinhoe Village, Kate Jago, approached Mr Seaton following the Committee’s decision to approve the development, but neither he nor the developer were willing to comment at that stage. We hope Burrington Estates will recognise the widespread community interest in the development of the Home Farm site and look forward to positive discussions in the future.

Meanwhile, we are developing a “Flood Monitoring” resource for local residents across the Home Farm and Pinhoe Quarry sites – please contact us for further information.

We are also monitoring both the removal of protected hedgerows, and problems for the local community caused by the long-term blocking of the main route along Church Hill, from the village to the church

Church Hill blocked by building site materials

NOTES: Extensive planning notes from the Exeter City Council Planning Dept are available here (as a pdf), including the following protection for the hedgerows:

Notwithstanding the details shown on drawing no. ML.01 Rev D all the existing hedgerows on site shall be maintained and managed in accordance with details that shall previously have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The submitted details will be expected to demonstrate how the hedgerows will be managed to secure their long term retention and health, and how any additional boundary treatments alongside them will be erected so as not to compromise them in the future.
Reason: In the interests of the privacy of the occupants of both existing properties adjoining the site and the proposed properties, the visual amenities of the area and the ecological interest of the site”

Glossary of Planning Terms

1. Community Infrastructure Levy: CIL

This is a planning charge introduced by the Planning Act, 2008 as a mechanism for local authorities to provide or improve infrastructure that will support the development of their area.

For areas without a Neighbourhood Plan, this percentage cost for developers is lower – yet another reason we are keen to move forward with our Neighbourhood Planning.

For example, the newly refurbished play area in Station Road park cost £110,000 and was funded by CIL from local development. However, these funds are also being spent across the city, so actively tracking funding is essential.

  • The CIL contribution for the Home Farm development is just over £1.2m


An overview of the latest plans for this important area in Pinhoe

Planning permission for this site was granted in 2012 and included consent for up to 380 homes with 2 highway access points.

Landscaping to the site has been completed, including the reveal of the geology: the Crackington Formation rock face. The site is a Regionally Important Geological Site (RIGS) and was acquired by Galliford Try Partnerships, with LiveWest and Linden Homes.

There is no information on the protection of the surrounding wildlife areas, or the drainage structure.

Masterplan showing the imposition of housing on the Quarry site

We have invited the Pinhoe Quarry development team to give a presentation to our group / details to be confirmed / www.pinhoequarry.info

Click here for details of the original application, indicating community consultation etc

Aerial shot of the Quarry site, clearly showing the context of the top field and important wildlife corridors surrounding the site

Amongst the trees

Thanks to Clyst Valley Trees for a lovely afternoon celebration at Poltimore House and for this fabulous book, which is now available for anyone to borrow.

Walking among the trees in the steady rain, learning so much from this experienced group, was a great pleasure. With all the latest studies emphasizing the importance of getting outside and engaging with nature, I’m delighted we can support their work and really hope their funding bid is successful / Kate

Saved by a Quiver!

Thanks to a feature in the Autumn edition of Pinhoe Press, we were delighted that Linda lent us an original school badge and tie from Pinhoe Middle School.

The badge shows an old monk riding a donkey, carrying a quiver of arrows. It was based on the folklore tale of local courage from when Pinhoe lay besieged by the Danes, in 1001AD. Facing certain defeat, desperate local defences were nearly out of arrows. Gathering withies on his trusty steed, the brave priest delivered fresh resources of arrow-making reeds, ensuring victory for Pinhoe’s protectors!

Many thanks to Linda and all the other offers we received. We are using all these artefacts to create our archive for Pinhoe.