Pinhoe Councillors have issued the following plea for ideas:
“Decisions need to be made about how CIL money from new developments are spent. Specifically how some of the funding can be used locally. “Community Infrastructure Levy” is money which the developer pays so that facilities can be put in place in the area of development. This is to off-set the the increased need for infrastructure, services and facilities created by new development.
The CIL money from developments in Pinhoe can be spent to meet this need anywhere in Exeter. Some improvements are provided on a city wide basis and can’t replicated in every ward in the city. An example would be a swimming, skateparks or other sporting facilities (although Pinhoe is lucky to have some of these already). There are ways in which we can use this funding at a more local, Pinhoe level.
We have talked to many residents and have many different suggestions to take forward. We have been asked particularly to consider what might be needed in Pinhoe, and specifically in the new developments; we will also be bearing in mind the needs of “old” Pinhoe and Summerway which is in Pinhoe ward.
We welcome any ideas from residents who may not have spoken to us already, and reminders from those that have.”
Please email Cllr Trish Oliver:
Here are some comments already submitted:

Response: “Thanks for all the suggestions for how we might use some of the CIL money in Pinhoe. We will be discussing with senior council officers and putting your views forward this week.
As City Councillors we thought people would be interested in Section 106 money, which developers pay, and the CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) money which is is now the main way developers pay. We will of course continue to work hard to keeping drawing investment into Pinhoe and developing great facilities and opportunities for the community.
Negotiating, securing and spending S106 and CIL monies is complex. S106 is negotiated when developments are at planning application stage, with monies typically being secured for defined ‘strategic’ infrastructure projects at that stage. These are agreements which are specific and the money cannot be used for other purposes. The County Council as Highway Authority secures the funds for transport infrastructure and this is to improve traffic flow and roads.
CIL is a different matter in that the monies come to Exeter City Council, and can be spent on anything that constitutes ‘infrastructure’ which can meet the needs fo the new residents. There are a lot of ways it can be invested in our communities. City wide facilities and services can be quite significant and serve the whole city. Local infrastrure investment is often smaller, although the investment in the skatepark and the new play area in Station Road show that these can still represent quite an investment.
With so many worthy calls on this funding there is a political process to go through to ensure that the public get value for money and investment is backed by proven demand from residents. This process is appropriately thorough and can often take quite some time to identify how the CIL money is invested in our communities.”