Thanks to everyone who supported our Memories of Pinhoe exhibition – with raffle sales, delicious mince pies and our special Pinhoe 2020 Calendar, we are delighted to have raised funds to support our activities this coming year.
At the end of last year, we promised a discussion of TRAFFIC CONCERNS across Pinhoe, following on from meetings with Will Pratt from Devon County Council Highways. Problems on Park Lane and Church Hill remain at crisis point and several new planning proposals are coming through, including proposals for the new Lidl which raises great concern about traffic levels for residents in Summerway.
Following the establishment of the PINHOE FORUM group, it was decided that they would host the Traffic Meeting and produce a report documenting their community consultation. They will collect all your opinions and present the report to Devon County Council Highways. This meeting is WEDNESDAY 12TH FEBRUARY in Alicia’s at 7pm and we encourage as many people as possible to document their concerns.
The PINHOE FORUM group has applied to Exeter City Council to develop a Neighbourhood Plan for Pinhoe – it’s a really exciting opportunity to shape the future of Pinhoe and we are pleased to support their vision. Everyone who lives and/or works in Pinhoe is encouraged to join the group: as it’s really important that members from across all ages and all parts of the Pinhoe ward join the consultation.