The brilliant Jess Liebig has been busy organising a wildflower garden, with Lee from Libraries Unlimited, our community builder Ebbie and a fantastic bunch of volunteers from Wild Pinhoe. There’s space for scouts and guides to do some planting now the borders have been dug out and you’ll never spot the hedgehog box from Robin Hoad because it’s been so well camouflaged! Look out for plants being grown on by The Little House which are destined to flourish here #LovePinhoe
With trees disappearing across Monkerton, we noted with some alarm the precarious position of major mature trees in the Linden Homes’ Tithebarn development.
UPDATE FROM EXETER CITY COUNCIL: “Mark Waddams has been out to visit the Tithebarn (Linden Homes) site and is satisfied that the tree protection is up to standard (BS5837) and that the retained trees are not under threat. ECC are currently updating the Tree and Woodland Strategy and are hoping to have it ready early this year.”
Meanwhile, we are pleased to be supporting a project to plant 800 trees on the Monkerton ridge, proposed by Exeter’s Tree Manager, Joe Morshead. It’s positive news and we hope the funding is successful. These trees will take decades to establish and our existing mature trees remain very precious indeed.
It’s hard to believe these grand old oaks are under such pressure – they are well known as major contributors to biodiversity and shelter a huge variety of birds and insects.
As our local resident notes, the loss of wildlife habitats across this site is devastating, opening the whole estate to the railway. Once these old hedgerows are gone, any replanting will take 30 years to recover what has been lost.
We will keep highlighting problems to local councillors and Exeter City Council, so please continue to send your pictures:
Nominate your favourite tree by sending an email to or writing your contact details in the PINHOE VILLAGE book in Alicia’s
Sheena Dick : Bishop’s Palace Horse Chestnut, Langaton Lane
Nominated by Sheena Dick, this beautiful young horse chestnut tree was grown from a conker found in the Bishop’s Palace, by local resident and Exeter city red-coat guide Ken Rodley. Sheena remembers Ken as a fascinating man and interesting speaker who was passionate about the city of Exeter. Ken planted the tree in the hedgerow alongside a beautiful beech – you can just see its autumn colours.
Pinhoe resident: Sheena Dick, Langaton Lane hedgerow (November 2019)
CllrDuncan Wood: Station Road Oak
November 2019
If you walk through Station Road Playing Field towards the junction with Cumberland Way, you’ll find this magnificent oak tree stretching its boughs over the nearby bus stop and Pin Brook. Nominated by Councillor Duncan Wood.
Thanks to information from Alderman John Landers, we are beginning our investigations to reclaim the community field on Langaton Lane. This neglected haven of wildlife was given to the community and we are endeavouring to secure its future. Please contact us if you have any information; thank you.
Following an inspiring presentation by Jon Freeman from the Great Trees in the Clyst Valley project, any disappointment at not being included in Exeter’s Valley Parks initiative has been replaced by an exciting view of Pinhoe at the city-fringe of a fantastic 25 year vision for the Clyst Valley Regional Park.
Here’s our letter of support for their latest project:
“As a community-led organisation, Pinhoe Village is committed to celebrating the people, place and natural environment of Pinhoe. We very much hope to work with Routes for Roots and have identified great enthusiasm amongst our local residents to connect to the Clyst Valley vision, wholeheartedly supporting the ambition to connect our growing community to the wildlife-rich countryside on our doorstep. We are keen to encourage all age groups into the natural environment, as many in our community are struggling with the scale and pace of local developments.
An increasingly urbanised part of the city, the sense of connection to Pinhoe’s heritage and local distinctiveness remains key for residents. The “Story is in the Map” workshops would bring an invaluable set of skills and support for our many local history enthusiasts, as would the opportunity to explore, protect and develop local knowledge of and access to footpaths across Pinhoe – routes which are being completely disorientated by new developments. We hope to learn how to record, replant and protect our greatly valued trees and hedgerows and to build on our association with such an inspiring vision. The Routes for Roots initiatives would transform our ability to develop local knowledge of and access to our natural environment and would offer huge expertise, valued advocacy and powerful network connections.”
Here’s a useful thought from Shane O’Mara’s new book In Praise of Walking:
“Walking is good for our muscles and posture; it helps to protect & repair organs, and can slow or turn back the ageing of our brains. With our minds in motion we think more creatively, our mood improves and stress levels fall”