Following a lapse in planning permission after delays during Covid, Pinhoe Hub Trustees re-submitted their application to Exeter City Council Planning Committee.
The Hub application was approved Monday 12th June, 5.30pm
Exeter City Council has a new Planning Committee following May elections and Pinhoe’s recently-elected Labour Councillor Mollie Miller is a new appointment. Hub Trustee Cllr Duncan Wood has reverted from being Portfolio holder for Climate Change to Leisure Services and Physical Activity where he previously held the portfolio during development at St Sidwells award-winning leisure centre. Duncan is also Exeter City Council’s representative on the Devon Rail Forum which “Promotes the use of local rail services in the Exeter area and hinterland. Makes recommendations to operators of local train services and lobby (sic) them for improvements. Develops infrastructure projects at stations, to improve access and waiting facilities for all passengers.”
There is currently one objection regarding parking measures which are reduced from the current provisions (see below). The revised foot and cycle path will also be relocated 8.5m south of the existing path as the Hub eases into its larger footprint. Sport England do not consider it a significant encroachment onto the football pitch, which remains out of action following remedial drainage work.
It’s unclear from these drawings how the Hub café will be accessed from the Station platform, following the inclusion of this service in strategic planning by South Western Railways who have contributed to the funding of the project. Plans have not been updated to include energy efficiency measures, solar panels or heat pumps.
Full information is available from Exeter City Council planning: click here; we requested an update from the Hub Trustees June 2023 (new Trustee elections have not been made public)