Please help to protect Pinhoe’s Higher Field for generations to come
A new appeal has been lodged by the developers who want to build on Higher Field. After the Council’s decision to protect the field as an important landscape feature of the Northern Hills, we must yet again rise to its defence.
Only 161 people in the whole of Exeter responded to the Local Plan We want to SMASH that total and show how much we care in Pinhoe! TWO THOUSAND people signed our petition, but the Council asked for quantitative data – for people to respond in ways they could measure. So we designed the threewords survey with a specialist data science team from the University of Exeter, the Environmental Futures and Data Impact Lab and Exeter City Futures, to answer that question.
Visit to make your unique mark on the map
Providing Exeter City Council with this information will support their decisions to protect the Northern Hills – none of us can do it without you, please make your mark
There are special prizes for young people who join in because their voices are so important for all our futures. We’ll also deliver surveys if you can’t make it to the Little House and would prefer to write your three words on paper