With trees disappearing across Monkerton, we noted with some alarm the precarious position of major mature trees in the Linden Homes’ Tithebarn development.
UPDATE FROM EXETER CITY COUNCIL: “Mark Waddams has been out to visit the Tithebarn (Linden Homes) site and is satisfied that the tree protection is up to standard (BS5837) and that the retained trees are not under threat. ECC are currently updating the Tree and Woodland Strategy and are hoping to have it ready early this year.”
Meanwhile, we are pleased to be supporting a project to plant 800 trees on the Monkerton ridge, proposed by Exeter’s Tree Manager, Joe Morshead. It’s positive news and we hope the funding is successful. These trees will take decades to establish and our existing mature trees remain very precious indeed.
Here’s a link to an easy form by Friends of the Earth encouraging everyone to contact their local councillors to DOUBLE the tree cover: https://act.friendsoftheearth.uk/target/call-your-councillors-double-tree-cover

It’s hard to believe these grand old oaks are under such pressure – they are well known as major contributors to biodiversity and shelter a huge variety of birds and insects.

As our local resident notes, the loss of wildlife habitats across this site is devastating, opening the whole estate to the railway. Once these old hedgerows are gone, any replanting will take 30 years to recover what has been lost.

We will keep highlighting problems to local councillors and Exeter City Council, so please continue to send your pictures: mail@portfoliofive.co.uk
Thank you to everyone sending information